Astro Art

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Vastu and Astrology for Everyone: 

Helping individuals and organizations to make better decisions through vaastu and astrology

About AstroArt Astrology


I’ve been practicing and teaching Astrology for over 10 years, helping numerous people with their life struggles, while training 100s of students who’ve now become successful astrologers themselves. Excited for you to join the community, and looking forward to hearing from you.

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Vineet Kamran

In-spite of being an engineering professional his passion in Vedic astrology drove him to learn the sacred knowledge of Vedas and presently, 

He is a qualified Jyotish Acharya, Palmist, Numerologist, Graphologist, Tarot Reader and a Vaastu Consultant too A civil engineer, from various exalted positions in renowned organisations takes an entrepreneurial plunge into finding an institution of his own for Astrological study, prediction and research.

A man of scientific disposition and skeptical mind has an innate eloquence for astrology. He is a harbinger of new school of astrologers:
Not a Sage on the stage
But a Guide by the side.
He does not only predict but stands along his clients to find out solutions of roadblocks. He has already been helping his clients since more than a decade now