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Kundli Dosha

Kundli Dosha

Understanding Kundli Doshas: Types and Remedies for a Better Life

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to face constant challenges in their lives, while others seem to have everything fall into place effortlessly? According to Vedic astrology, the answer lies in the alignment of the planets at the time of a person’s birth.

In this article, we will explore the different types of Doshas in Kundli and the remedies that can be used to mitigate their effects. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the fascinating world of Vedic astrology!


What is Kundli Doshas?

A Kundli, also known as a birth chart in Vedic astrology, is a map of the planets’ positions at the moment of an individual’s birth. Kundli’s analysis can reveal certain planetary alignments known as Doshas, which are thought to have negative consequences in a person’s life. These Doshas are generated when particular planets are situated in specific houses or when the ancestral energies are out of balance. Mangal Dosha, Kaal Sarp Dosha, Shani Dosha, Pitru Dosha, Nadi Dosha, and Guru Chandal Dosha are some of the Doshas in Kundli. The treatments for each Dosha differ and may involve pujas, fasting, repeating certain mantras, and donating food or clothing to the destitute.The purpose of recognising and correcting these Doshas is to lessen their negative effects and increase the overall quality of life.

Manglik Dosha:

Mangal Dosha, also known as Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha, is a Vedic astrological situation in which the planet Mars (Mangal) is situated in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house in a person’s natal chart (Kundli). According to Indian astrology, Mangal Dosha is a malefic state that causes negative repercussions in a person’s life, particularly in the realm of marriage and relationships. It is said that those with Mangal Dosha may encounter marital difficulties such as marriage delays, disagreements, or even divorce.


  • Kumbh Vivah: In some cases, it is believed that a person with Mangal Dosha should marry a banana tree, peepal tree or a silver/golden idol of Lord Vishnu before getting married to a human. This practice is known as Kumbh Vivah.
  • Chanting Mantras: Reciting specific mantras, such as the Navagraha Mantra or the Mangal Mantra, can help alleviate the negative effects of Mangal Dosha. It is recommended to chant these mantras on Tuesdays, which is considered to be the day of Mars.
  • Fasting: Observing a fast on Tuesdays is another recommended remedy for Mangal Dosha. Fasting is believed to help purify the mind and body and reduce the negative effects of Mars.
  • Donations: Making donations of red-colored items, such as red clothes or sindoor, to the poor or to married women is believed to help pacify the effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Gemstone Therapy: Wearing a gemstone, such as a coral, that is associated with Mars is believed to help reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha. It is recommended to consult with a qualified astrologer before wearing any gemstone.

Kaalsarp Dosha:

Kaal Sarp Dosha is a specific astrological condition in Vedic astrology where all the planets in a person’s birth chart (horoscope) are hemmed between the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. It is believed that the alignment of Rahu and Ketu with other planets in the Kundli can have a significant impact on a person’s life, including causing financial, health, and relationship problems.

Kaal Sarp Dosha is classified into twelve categories, each called after the zodiac sign in which Rahu and Ketu are located. The severity of the Dosha is determined by the type of Kaal Sarp Dosha and the location of other planets in the Kundli.

Kaal Sarp Dosha is thought to have a negative impact on a person’s life and can create a variety of difficulties, including delayed marriage, a lack of financial stability, and health problems. It is important to remember, however, that not everyone with Kaal Sarp Dosha will experience unfavorable symptoms.


Performing Pujas: It is believed that performing specific pujas, such as the Kaal Sarp Puja, can help alleviate the negative effects of the Dosha. These pujas are often performed at specific temples, such as the Trimbakeshwar Temple in Nashik or the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain.

  • Visiting Holy Places: Visiting holy places, such as Varanasi or Rameshwaram, is believed to help reduce the negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha.
  • Chanting Mantras: Reciting specific mantras, such as the MahaMrityunjaya Mantra or the Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Mantra, can help alleviate the negative effects of the Dosha.
  • Donations: Making donations to the poor or to specific charities, such as those that help with education or healthcare, is believed to help reduce the negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha.
  • Wearing Gemstones: Wearing specific gemstones, such as Cat’s Eye or Gomed, is believed to help mitigate the negative effects of the Dosha. It is recommended to consult with a qualified astrologer before wearing any gemstone.

Shani Sade-Sati Dosha:

Shani Sade Sati Dosha is another term used to refer to the same astrological condition as Sade Sati Dosha. “Shani” refers to the planet Saturn in Vedic astrology, and “Sade Sati” refers to the period ofseven and a half years when Saturn transits through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from a person’s natal Moon sign.

During this period, Saturn is believed to exert its influence on a person’s life and bring about various challenges and obstacles, such as financial problems, health issues, and relationship challenges. However, it is important to note that not all people will necessarily experience negative effects during Sani Sade Sati Dosha.


  • Worship of Lord Hanuman: It is believed that worshipping Lord Hanuman can help to reduce the negative effects of Shani Sade-Sati Dosha in Astrology. Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa or visiting a Hanuman temple regularly can be beneficial.
  • Wearing a Blue Sapphire (Neelam) gemstone: Blue Sapphire is associated with the planet Saturn and is believed to have a positive impact on reducing the negative effects of Sani Sade-Sati Dosha. However, it is important to consult with a qualified astrologer before wearing the gemstone.
  • Performing Shani Puja: Shani Puja is a ritualistic worship of Lord Saturn and is believed to help reduce the malefic effects of Sani Sade-Sati Dosha. The puja can be performed at home or at a temple.
  • Donation to charity: Donating food, clothes, or money to the needy can help to reduce the negative effects of Sani Sade-Sati Dosha.
  • Reciting the Shani Mantra: Chanting the Shani Mantra regularly can help to reduce the malefic effects of Sani Sade-Sati Dosha. The mantra is “Om Sham ShanicharayaNamah”.

Pitra Dosha:

Pitra Dosha is an astrological condition in Vedic astrology that is caused by the unfavorable position of ancestors’ planets in a person’s birth chart. It is believed that if a person’s ancestors had committed any wrong deeds or incomplete rituals in their lifetime, it could lead to Pitra Dosha in the person’s birth chart. This Dosha is also believed to be associated with the planet Sun.

Pitra Dosha can cause various problems in a person’s life, such as delay in marriage, problems in career, financial troubles, and health issues. It can also affect one’s relationships with family and friends.


  • Performing Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja: This is a special puja that is performed to pacify the negative effects of Pitra Dosha. It is usually performed by qualified astrologers and involves offering prayers and performing rituals to ancestors.
  • Performing Tarpan: Tarpan is a ritual where food and water are offered to ancestors. This is believed to appease them and reduce the negative effects of Pitra Dosha.
  • Visiting pilgrimage places: Visiting sacred places like Varanasi, Haridwar, Gaya, and Prayag can help to reduce the negative effects of Pitra Dosha. These places are believed to be powerful spiritual centers where the ancestors can be appeased.
  • Offering donations: Offering donations to the needy is believed to be a way of pleasing the ancestors and reducing the negative effects of Pitra Dosha. Donations can be in the form of money, food, or clothing.
  • Performing charity: Performing charitable acts like building a temple, offering food to the poor, and helping the needy can help to reduce the negative effects of Pitra Dosha.

Nadi Dosha:

Nadi Dosha is an astrological condition in Vedic astrology that occurs when there is a similarity in the Nadi (pulse) of two individuals who are planning to get married. Nadi is one of the eight factors that are considered during the matchmaking process in Vedic astrology. According to astrological belief, the same Nadi in the horoscopes of the two individuals can result in poor health, infertility, and even the death of one or both partners.

Nadi is divided into three categories – Aadi (beginning), Madhya (middle), and Antya (end). When two individuals have the same Nadi category, it is considered Nadi Dosha.

Nadi Dosha can cause various problems in a person’s married life, such as difficulty in conceiving, frequent health problems, and a lack of harmony and understanding between partners. It is considered a serious Dosha in Vedic astrology and can lead to an unsuccessful marriage.

However, it is important to note that the presence of Nadi Dosha alone cannot determine the success or failure of a marriage. Other factors such as mutual respect, understanding, and compatibility between partners are equally important.


  • NadiNivarana Puja: This is a special puja that is performed to pacify the negative effects of Nadi Dosha. It involves offering prayers and performing rituals to Lord Shiva and Parvati.
  • Chanting Mantras: Chanting mantras like the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and the Gayatri Mantra can help to reduce the negative effects of Nadi Dosha. These mantras are believed to have powerful healing and purifying properties.
  • Wearing Gemstones: Wearing gemstones like emeralds and diamonds can help to reduce the negative effects of Nadi Dosha. These gemstones are believed to have the power to enhance positive energy and reduce negative influences.
  • Performing Kumbh Vivah: In some cases, it is recommended to perform Kumbh Vivah, which is a symbolic marriage ceremony between an individual and a pot of water. This is believed to help break the Nadi Dosha and remove its negative effects.
  • Performing Charities: Performing charities like donating food, clothing, and money to the poor and needy can help to reduce the negative effects of Nadi Dosha. It is believed that performing good deeds can help to overcome the negative karmic effects.

Guru Chandal Dosha:

Guru Chandal Dosha is an astrological condition that occurs when the planet Jupiter (Guru) is conjoined with Rahu or Ketu, also known as the North and South Lunar Nodes. In Vedic astrology, this Dosha is considered to have negative effects on a person’s life, especially on their career and financial prospects.

Jupiter is a planet associated with knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality, while Rahu and Ketu are associated with materialism and negative influences. The combination of Jupiter and Rahu/Ketu can create a conflict between these energies and result in various challenges in life.

Some of the effects of Guru Chandal Dosha include lack of focus, difficulty in making decisions, delays in career growth, financial instability, and health problems. This Dosha can also cause problems in relationships and lead to a lack of harmony and understanding between partners.


  • Performing Puja: Performing special pujas to appease Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, or Goddess Durga can help to reduce the negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosha. These pujas involve offering prayers and performing rituals to the respective deity.
  • Fasting: Fasting on Thursdays, which is the day associated with the planet Jupiter, can help to reduce the negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosha. It is recommended to fast from sunrise to sunset and avoid eating non-vegetarian food and alcohol.
  • Chanting Mantras: Chanting mantras like the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and the Vishnu Sahasranama can help to reduce the negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosha. These mantras are believed to have powerful healing and purifying properties.
  • Wearing Gemstones: Wearing gemstones like Yellow Sapphire and Emerald can help to reduce the negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosha. These gemstones are believed to have the power to enhance positive energy and reduce negative influences.
  • Performing Charity: Performing charities like donating food, clothing, and money to the poor and needy can help to reduce the negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosha. It is believed that performing good deeds can help to overcome the negative karmic effects.


Doshas in Kundli are an important aspect of Vedic astrology. Identifying and remedying these Doshas can help mitigate their negative effects and improve the overall quality of life. However, it is important to note that the remedies mentioned above should be performed under the guidance of a qualified astrologer or priest.

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