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Happy Chhath Puja AstroArt Astrology

Chhath Puja: Honoring the Sun God and Mother Nature


Chhath Puja, a vibrant and significant Hindu festival, is a beautiful celebration of nature, life, and gratitude. This ancient tradition, primarily observed in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and parts of Nepal, holds immense cultural and spiritual importance. Chhath Puja is a testament to the deep-rooted connection between humans and the natural world, as it reveres the Sun God and Mother Nature in a unique and awe-inspiring way.

 The Significance of Chhath Puja / What is Chhath Puja?

Chhath Puja, also known as Surya Shashthi or Dala Chhath, is dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God, and his consort, Chhathi Maiya. The festival is observed on the sixth day after Diwali, typically in October or November. Its significance lies in its reverence for the Sun, the ultimate source of life and energy on Earth. The Sun is considered a symbol of healing and prosperity, and people offer their prayers to seek blessings for good health, happiness, and the well-being of their families.

Rituals and Celebrations

Fasting / Fasting of Chhath Puja: Chhath Puja involves rigorous fasting, with devotees abstaining from food and water for an extended period. The fast is broken in the evening after making offerings to the Sun God.

Bathing / Holy Bath of Chhath Puja: Devotees take a holy dip in the river, preferably in the Ganges or other sacred water bodies, before sunrise and during sunset. The rituals symbolize purification and cleansing of the body and soul.

Offering Arghya: Arghya, an offering of water, is made to the setting Sun in the evening and the rising Sun the next morning. The offerings include bamboo baskets filled with traditional sweets, fruits, sugarcane, and earthen lamps.

Chhath Katha / Story of Chhath Puja: During the Puja, devotees recite stories and hymns, known as Chhath Katha, which narrate the ancient legends associated with the festival and the significance of the Sun God.

Fasting Without Water: The fast of Chhath Puja is unique, as it includes abstaining from both food and water. Devotees exhibit incredible determination and faith during this time.

Celebrating Nature: Chhath Puja also serves as a reminder of the close relationship between humans and nature. By worshipping the Sun, water, and earth, devotees express their gratitude for the essential elements that sustain life.

Cultural Significance of Chhath Puja

Chhath Puja is not only a religious observance but also a reflection of the rich culture and heritage of the regions where it is celebrated. It brings communities together and strengthens the bonds of families as they gather to perform the rituals. The festive atmosphere, colourful processions, traditional music, and dance is an integral part of the celebrations.

Prayers for Well-being

Devotees believe that by offering their prayers to the Sun God, they can purify their bodies and minds, seek blessings for their families, and ensure the well-being of their loved ones. The rituals and fast are seen as acts of devotion and sacrifice, reflecting the deep faith that people have in the power of the Sun.


Chhath Puja is a beautiful and spiritual festival that pays homage to the Sun God and Mother Nature. It’s a celebration of life, gratitude, and the enduring bond between humans and the natural world. The rigorous fasting, holy dips, and offerings are a testament to the deep faith and determination of the devotees. Chhath Puja is not just a religious observance; it’s a cultural and communal experience that brings people together to celebrate the essential elements that sustain life on Earth. As the sun rises and sets during this auspicious festival, it serves as a reminder of the eternal connection between the human spirit and the radiant energy of the universe.


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